This workshop is dedicated to discussing robots used for healthcare. For example, there is a fear that robots will displace workers from their jobs, but robots could also be an asset – relieving workers from doing physically and psychologically strenuous, less desirable tasks. This workshop will allow for substantial discussion about what the fears are and what features or safeguards can be put in place to address these fears.
- Chair & intro: Sofia Moratti, 10.00-10.15
- Keynote: Sarah Pink, 10.15-10.45
Sofia Moratti from the Robotics4EU NTNU project team will give a short introduction on care robotization and hopes and fears for the healthcare professions.
Sarah Pink’s keynote present the findings from her Smart Homes for Seniors project, where she learned about how seniors would live with emerging tech, including robotic vacuum cleaners and voice assistants. Sarah Pink is professor of Design and Emerging Technologies at the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia. She is also Director of the Emerging Technologies Research Lab, Leader of the Transport Mobilities Focus Area and Co-Leader of the People Programme, at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making & Society, and Associate Director of the Monash Energy Institute.